AGE Trainee Chapter News
AGE Trainee Chapter - Call for NominationsIn May 2025, the current Officers of the AGE Trainee Chapter leadership will finish their two-year service. As we are slowly approaching the end of the elected term, we are soliciting new nominations for the future Officers-Elect to ensure they receive the required training and guidance prior to their service. After the overlap training time, the Officers-Elect will begin their leadership at the AGE 2025 meeting in Anchorage, Alaska. We want to encourage nominations for the following positions: Chair of the Trainee Chapter-Elect
The Trainee Chapter Chair serves as the chief day-to-day operating officer of the Trainee Chapter, Co-chair of the Trainee advocate committee, as well as performs all duties as one of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee Representatives of the Trainee Chapter.
Vice-Chair/Secretary of the Trainee Chapter-Elect
The Trainee Chapter Vice Chair/Secretary shall advise and assist the Trainee Chapter Chair in AGE TC decision-making, as well as recording the minutes of any meetings or conference calls. The Vice-Chair/Secretary will be responsible for calling for nominations, disseminating nominee statements and calling for a vote, and tabulating votes, for all Trainee Chapter elections. If the Chair cannot serve, for whatever reason, the Vice-Chair shall become Chair and serve the remainder of the elected term.
Senior Trainee Advocate
The Senior Trainee Advocate serves as Chair of the Trainee Advocate Committee, as well as performs all duties as one of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee Representatives of the Trainee Chapter.
Treasurer of the Trainee Chapter
The Trainee Chapter Treasurer will be responsible for managing the trainee chapter budget, including monthly budget updates, following up on outstanding invoices, and securing sponsorships for trainee chapter activities. The Trainee Chapter Treasurer will attend Trainee Chapter leadership meetings on a monthly basis.
As per the bylaws, Dr. Aga Borowik (current TC Chair) oversees administering the election. Any Trainee Member as defined in the AGE Bylaws may be nominated for the position of Chair-Elect, Vice-Chair/Secretary-Elect, or Treasurer-Elect. The Senior Trainee Advocate-Elect should be a faculty member in an independent position.
To nominate an eligible person for Officers-Elect of the AGE Trainee Chapter leadership, please complete the application below by September 16, 2024, stating the nominee's first and last name and a working email address for the nominee. Self-nominations should contain a statement of no more than 1000 words describing the candidate’s interest in and qualifications for the position. Non-self-nominees will be contacted upon receipt of nomination and asked to either decline nomination or to provide a statement of 1000 words or less within one week. Upon receipt of all nominated candidate statements, an email will be sent out to request a vote by the entire AGE-TC membership, with an attachment containing all submitted candidate 1000-word statements. Take care and thanks for your participation in the growing AGE Trainee Chapter! AGE TC NominationsCongratulations to the AGE Early Career Scholars & AGE / AFAR Diversity AwardsAGE Early Career Scholars & AGE / AFAR Diversity Awards
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